HRWeb Americas: a tool to facilitate better research governance in Latin America and the Caribbean


A journal article highlighting the benefits of Health Research Web (HRWeb) to the national health research systems (NHRS) of countries in the Americas has been published by Cadernos de Saúde Pública.

The article titled – ‘HRWeb Americas: a tool to facilitate better research governance in Latin America and the Caribbean’ features authors from the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) and the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO).

HRWeb Americas is a sub-portal of the HRWeb developed by PAHO and COHRED as a tool to help countries improve research system governance. This online platform was developed as a result of several international consultation meetings where the importance of NHRS in improving the health of a population was recognised together with the difficulty of collecting comparable data. Special efforts have been geared towards making the HRWeb a management tool for national health research managers in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).

According to the authors, this sub-portal provides countries and researchers in the Americas with an online platform through which they can systematically collect their data very easily and at no cost. The ultimate goal of this tool is to help countries improve governance and stewardship of research for health.

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