MDG Conference

Categories:Events, Other Events
Event Name MDG Conference
Dates March 14-14, 2012
Location Maracas Valley, Trinidad
Website Link
Contact Details Ms. Sadia Moore
Dept of Research and Graduate Studies
University of the Southern Caribbean
Maracas Valley, Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: + 868 662-2241/2 ext. 2706
Organization University of the Southern Caribbean
Short Description This conference will look at what needs to be done to ensure that we do not lose momentum as we
near the midpoint of the MDGs. The key concepts of learning, innovation and partnerships will shape
this conference; therefore, new ideas, success stories, challenges and solutions are invited. Importantly,
it brings together a wide range of stakeholders, such as community representatives, academics,
professionals from inside and outside the traditional development eld, and the corporate sector. It
will also include many others who may ordinarily not think of themselves as concerned with
change-oriented development.

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