Research into Action, Issue 19

Topic: The Newsletter of the Council on Health Research for Development

Place: Geneva

Organization: COHRED

Description: A national Health Science & Technology (S&T) Congress, organised by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), was held in Manila in March 1999. Region-based and nationwide consultations (coordinated by the PCHRD, in partnership with the ENHR Unit in the Department of Health) were undertaken in 1997 and 1998 in preparation for this conference. The methodologies used by each region to identify Health S&T priorities, included a consultative workshop, review of statistics, in-depth interviews and survey questionnaires.
The output from the regions formed the groundwork for the national S&T agenda. The identified priorities focused on the traditional concerns of improving health and health care: diagnosis, treatment, management, prevention and control. The importance of socio-cultural and behavioural dimensions in priority health issues was also highlighted. The need to understand the social factors associated with specific health problems indicated people’s growing awareness for the adoption of a more holistic approach in addressing the country’s health concerns.

Date: 2000

Page Number: 16



English version