Regional Workshop on Essential National Health Research and Priority Setting in Health Research

Topic: Ocho Rios, Jamaica, November 6-8, 1995

Organization: CCMRC

Description: To contribute to the understanding of research-policy linkages, the ARCH project (Applied Research on Child Health) carried out a case study of health research and health policy in Pakistan. The case study specifically focused on research and policy on the following child health issues: acute respiratory infection, diarrheal disease and iodine deficiency. The methods used include: in-depth interviews with key informants, review of program Documents and research, review and use of secondary data for background and contextual information.

One of the main conclusions from the case study is that one of the main factors limiting the utilisation of research in policy is the lack of commitment of Pakistan’s leaders and policy makers to solve these health problems. Without that commitment there is no motivation to search for solutions, and therefore little reason to turn to researchers and research in any serious way. Several suggestions, focusing on improving the linkage between researchers and policy makers, are given for researchers, and international agencies and donors.

Date: 1995

Page Number: 30



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