Recherche National Essentielle en Santé

Topic: Bilan et Perspectives

Organization: Ministry of Health, Guinea

Description: The aim is to define a national agenda for health research in Nicaragua, which will lead to a strategic basis for the creation of a national health research system. The process is inclusive and participatory, thus ensuring ownership of the identified priorities. The project will be closely linked to newly developed national health policy (Política Nacional de Salud, 2004-2015; published in May 2004, by the Ministry of Health), and will attempt to contribute a health research focus. The national research agenda is expected to be defined in 2005. COHRED will then extend its collaboration with the partners in Nicaragua and focus on the implementation of the agenda, assessing and strengthening the required capacity and enabling partnerships to address priority research areas. 
2004 was a year of sensitisation. UNAN-León organised numerous meetings with key players in health research in Nicaragua. The establishment of the task team, in which the facilitating role of the UNAN-Leon was recognized, is a major step forward within the process. During a technical visit of a representative of the Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Health, Brazil) and COHRED to Nicaragua, another series of sensitisation meetings were held with the management of the Ministry of Health; scientific staff of UNAN-Leon; and other key players, including PAHO and other universities.  
The project is facilitated by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (León). The task team established for the project includes: the Department of Research of the Ministry of Health and the country office of PAHO. The Department of Science and Technology of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, provides technical support, by sharing their extensive expertise in priority setting.

Date: 1996

Page Number: 19



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