Proceedings of the 5th National Health S&T Congress

Place: Philippines

Organization: Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology

Description: The National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) of the Ministry of Health took the lead in setting a health research agenda for Indonesia. The following process was followed to set the research agenda:
* Situation analysis of health needs, status, problems and potentials by reviewing relevant secondary resources
* Round table discussions between all stakeholders, organised around eighth primary health related areas. Based on discussion of the situation analysis and their own experiences and research needs, participants in each round table discussion group developed a list of proposed essential research.
* National workshop to develop a national health research priority list
* Establishment of a national health research agenda, following the national workshop.
* Establishment of a mechanism to channel and utilise the research results. To ensure the effective management and implementation of the research agenda, a Network on National Health Research and Development has been formed by Ministerial Decree (September 1999)

The reports provides a list of priority research areas, including the sub-areas of research, the expected output, the expected users of this research, and the expected resources needed for conducting the research.

Date: 1999

Page Number: 126



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