Global Forum for Bioethics in Research

Topic: Equity & Ethics

Description: The process of strengthening the health research system in Pakistan began in early 2001. The first critical step in the process was the organisation of a national seminar to develop priorities for health research. The participants identified broad priorities in the critical areas of health services, maternal and child health, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, mental health and health systems research. The priorities were based on the values of equity and social justice and led to the development of a generic, relevant and essential national health research agenda.

As a second step guidelines for action to develop and strengthen the health research system in Pakistan were established. This learning brief focuses on how this plan was developed, the questions raised, and the action required to implement a research agenda. The plan of action will guide activities such as the generation of funds, efforts for capacity development, and consultations with national and international partners.

Date: 2005



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