Africa: Country profiling for national health research systems

Topic: Health Research Systems

Description: The Uganda National Health Research Organisation (UNHRO) Secretariat organised a two day workshop to bring together a number of health researchers and programme/project leaders of the Ministry of Health to review the progress in the implementation of the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP). The workshop provided an opportunity to identify possible research areas in the different programmes/projects. It also provided an opportunity for identifying and revising the research priorities for Uganda.The workshop illustrated that many programmes/projects carry out a number of studies and surveys. However, often consultants are used to conduct these studies. UNHRO has the capacity, whenever called upon, to carry out different studies by using its network of researchers and research institutes. It would therefore be appropriate for the Ministry of Health to discuss with UNHRO who would be best placed to conduct the research required by the different programmes/projects to facilitate the implementation of the HSSP.Some programmes/projects present at the workshop had not yet identified research areas, but found it useful to do so in collaboration with UNHRO.

Date: 2005



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