Archive for month: April, 2013

Guinea-Bissau: an evolving research system for better health

While in the midst of political upheavals, Guinea Bissau believes that national research system strengthening is a value for development. Guinea Bissau is the third poorest country in the world. 85% of the population lives with less than a dollar a day and only 14% of the population speaks the official language (Portuguese). Notwithstanding, Guinea […]

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Latest releases: COHRED Video on research and innovation systems, 2012 COHRED Annual Report…


COHRED 2012 Annual Report This year saw substantial changes to COHRED as an organisation, changes that will enable us to deliver even better on our mission of ‘support for research and innovation for health, equity and development’ – especially in low- and middle-income countries. Click here to download the full version of the 2012 COHRED […]

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Prof Vic Neufeld, Canada

I am a Professor Emeritus at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and currently serve as the National Coordinator of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR). I have known COHRED since it began 20 years ago, and had the opportunity to chair the team that conducted the first external review of COHRED in 1996. […]

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COHRED submits strong statement to the UN’s ECOSOC meeting on science, technology and innovation…

Categories:Director's Corner

COHRED submits strong plea to the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) meeting to be held from 1-5 July 2013. This particular meeting includes a session on the Annual Ministerial Review (AMR). The theme for the AMR segment will focus on “Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of culture, for promoting sustainable development and […]

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Video: Lawrence Summers on investing in health…COHRED at 20…

Categories:20th Anniversary, News, Views

Video message from Lawrence H. Summers to participants at the third COHRED Colloquium (26-27 March, 2013) on investing in research and innovation for health. Prof. Summers is the Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard University. He is co-Chair of the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health. COHRED Colloquium 3, coincides with […]

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