Archive for month: October, 2011

2nd Latin American Conference on Research and Innovation for Health

Categories:COHRED Events, Events

Event Name 2nd Latin American Conference on Research and Innovation for Health Dates 23-25 November 2011 Location Panama City, Panama Logo Website Link Contact Details / Organization The COHRED Group Short Description Priorities for research for health and innovation

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Featured video: PAHO’s Mirta Roses highlights partnership with COHRED at Cochrane Colloquium


Opening session: Global collaborations and health alliances Wednesday 19 Oct 11, 15:00-16:00h Watch video Chairs  Jordi Pardo, Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, Spain Ghada Bawazeer, King Saud University, Yemen Globalization brings new challenges as well as new opportunities. We will explore how different collaborations and health alliances deal with the numerous challenges and opportunities and investigate the […]

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4 countries in West Africa set out to implement project on Strengthening Research for Health Systems

Categories:Director's Corner

Four West African countries – Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali and Sierra Leone, have officially joined the ‘Strengthening Research for Health System Development in West Africa’ project. This project is a four-year effort financed by the International Development Research Centre – Canada (IDRC), and the West African Health Organisation (WAHO), with technical facilitation provided by COHREDi. […]

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Cape Town to host 2012 Global Health Research Forum… Focus is on going beyond aid in health…

Categories:Director's Corner

The 2012 Global Health Research Forum (Forum 2012) entitled “Beyond aid… research and innovation as key drivers for health, equity and development” will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 24 to 26 April 2012. In line with the emerging consensus from the South, Forum 2012 will focus on a new world – one […]

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